• Harissa chicken with bulgur wheat

    Harissa chicken with bulgur wheat

    Bulgur is easy to cook and a great alternative to refined grains. It’s high in fibre and nutrient-rich, so good for your gut, digestion and heart health. Serve it with stews, or use it in salads or as a nutritious alternative to rice. This recipe is a favourite with my kids!

  • Turkey & lemongrass curry noodle soup

    Turkey & lemongrass curry noodle soup

    Craving hot, spicy and crunchy things after Christmas when the festive food has been so rich? This hits the spot every time and also uses up leftover turkey

  • Winter mulligatawny

    Winter mulligatawny

    Use up leftover roast turkey in this hearty, low-fat soup with curry flavours. It’s rich in immune-supporting vitamin C, making it ideal for the winter months

  • Hainanese chicken rice

    Hainanese chicken rice

    Make this easy Hainanese chicken dinner inspired by Singapore’s national dish. It’s comforting, nourishing and healing for the soul
