• Fajita-style pasta

    Fajita-style pasta

    Take the aromatic flavours of a classic Mexican fajita and combine with pasta for this easy, vibrant meal. It’s an ideal Friday night dinner

  • Winter salad

    Winter salad

    Make the most of cauliflower in this wonderful winter salad with raisins, dill and walnuts, and a homemade butter bean and smoked paprika hummus

  • Corn, coconut & lentil chowder

    Corn, coconut & lentil chowder

    Serve up our healthy corn, coconut & lentil chowder for lunch. Lentils, onions and sweetcorn give this dish valuable fibre for a healthy digestive system

  • Ratatouille


    Enjoy this super-healthy traditional ratatouille recipe for lunch or dinner, safe in the knowledge that it counts as four of your five-a-day

  • Curried bean & coconut cod

    Curried bean & coconut cod

    Enjoy this healthy, creamy cod curry. This cheat’s version combines sweetcorn and unsweetened coconut yogurt, which is lower in fat than coconut milk

  • Lentil & tuna salad

    Lentil & tuna salad

    Throw together this easy, no-cook lentil and tuna salad for a speedy and healthy lunch or supper. It takes just 15 minutes to make – ideal for busy days

  • One-pan pasta

    One-pan pasta

    Save on washing up with this easy and quick one-pan spaghetti dish with meatballs and a tomato sauce. It’s both healthy and low in calories

  • Tofu scramble

    Tofu scramble

    Try our vegan spiced tofu with cherry tomatoes for an egg-free take on scramble on toast. Perfect for breakfast, served on rye bread

  • Leek, pea & watercress soup

    Leek, pea & watercress soup

    Pack in the goodness with this vibrant green soup, packed with leeks, peas and watercress. It’s tasty and healthy too, both low in calories and fat

  • Creamy spinach & mushroom penne

    Creamy spinach & mushroom penne

    Make a speedy, nutritious pasta supper with garlicky mushrooms and spinach. Cashew nuts and dried mushrooms create a deliciously creamy yet light sauce
