Exercise shake
Blend a mix of pomegranate juice, soya, banana and honey for a nutritionally-balanced smoothie
Blend a mix of pomegranate juice, soya, banana and honey for a nutritionally-balanced smoothie
Colourful, healthy, quick and delicious. A must-try recipe for all cooks. Once perfected swap the toppings about and experiment
Spice up white fish fillets with a flavoured butter and serve with fluffy sweet potato mash
An all round winner – vitamin D, omega 3 and 1 of your 5-a-day, it's even simple to make
Get the kids involved in making this easy veggie Mexican buffet with healthy beans and avocado
A great low-fat supper with a good source of vitamin C, counts as 1 of 5-a-day
Contains pork – recipe is for non-Muslims only
Use modern, popular ingredients to get your meat, potato and veg fix with this satisfying salad
This salad is packed with pulses and should be enough of a carb hit that you don’t need to serve potatoes as well