• Date & ginger malt loaf

    Date & ginger malt loaf

    A dark, sticky and lightly spiced cake that merges Jamaican ginger cake with sticky toffee pudding and malt loaf

  • Vanilla custard slices

    Vanilla custard slices

    A glorious pastry classic that's tricky to get perfect, but lends a touch of patisserie luxury on an afternoon tea stand

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  • Rhubarb & custard jelly

    Rhubarb & custard jelly

    The classic flavour combination takes centre stage in this wobbly pudding with creamy and fruity set layers

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  • Eton mess trifle

    Eton mess trifle

    Layer a quintessentially British pudding with Sherry-steeped strawberries, meringue and cream then top with flaked almonds

  • Broad bean, barley & mint salad

    Broad bean, barley & mint salad

    These little green beans go really well with grains like pearl barley – for a light touch, serve cold with goat’s cheese, mint and nuts

  • Sourdough


    Baking a loaf of this dense, chewy bread requires making a fermented ‘starter’ from flour, but it’s worth the effort

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  • Raspberry red velvet cake

    Raspberry red velvet cake

    Puréed fruit imparts much of the colouring in this rosy hued cake, that combines raspberries, cocoa and a good helping of cream cheese frosting

  • As-you-like-it chopped salad

    As-you-like-it chopped salad

    Please everyone with a mixed platter of cucumber, beetroot, radish, carrot, sweetcorn, avocado and onion
