• Pomegranate mojito mocktail

    Pomegranate mojito mocktail

    Non-alcoholic cocktails can still be packed with plenty of cheer. This spin on the mint-and-lime classic contains delicious pomegranate seeds and juice

  • Mulled apple juice

    Mulled apple juice

    A non-alcoholic alternative to mulled wine, ideal for entertaining kids and drivers

  • Pineapple & lime mocktail

    Pineapple & lime mocktail

    Mix a sparkling mocktail that will bring sunshine to any party – and to make it slightly sweeter, use soda water instead of tonic water

  • Mojito mocktail

    Mojito mocktail

    Try a refreshing, non-alcoholic mojito cocktail recipe that skips the usual rum to create a booze-free blend for parties
