• Pineapple & ginger punch

    Pineapple & ginger punch

    Treat guests to something different with this flavourful pineapple and ginger punch. It’s a great non-alcoholic drink for a party or at Christmas

  • Cranberry spritz

    Cranberry spritz

    Mix cranberry juice, orange juice and sparkling white grape juice to make this easy, non-alcoholic spritz. It’s a perfect for a booze-free Christmas drink

  • Pear, pumpkin & ginger juice mocktail

    Pear, pumpkin & ginger juice mocktail

    Celebrate Halloween with our special pear, pumpkin and ginger mocktail. Perfect for parties, be sure to pipe frightening faces onto your serving glasses!

  • Fruit punch

    Fruit punch

    Make this fruit punch as a non-alcoholic drink for a summer party. With fresh fruit, mint, juice and lemonade, it’s wonderfully refreshing

  • New York sour mocktail

    New York sour mocktail

    Enjoy a taste of summer with this New York sour mocktail. Flavoured with tea, pomegranate, lemon and maple syrup, it’s just as showbiz as the alcoholic version

  • Negroni mocktail

    Negroni mocktail

    Make an alcohol-free version of the classic negroni cocktail, with grape juice and a syrup made from grapefruit, coriander and cardamon pods

  • Summer cup mocktail

    Summer cup mocktail

    Get into the summer vibe with this fruity mocktail featuring red berries, lemonade, mint, and cucumber. Cool and refreshing, it’s fabulous on hot summer days

  • Sidecar mocktail

    Sidecar mocktail

    Serve up a sophisticated alcohol-free sidecar mocktail. It’s made with lapsang souchong tea, lemon juice, marmalade and honey
