• Harissa chicken with bulgur wheat

    Harissa chicken with bulgur wheat

    Bulgur is easy to cook and a great alternative to refined grains. It’s high in fibre and nutrient-rich, so good for your gut, digestion and heart health. Serve it with stews, or use it in salads or as a nutritious alternative to rice. This recipe is a favourite with my kids!

  • Super-green curry with quinoa rice

    Super-green curry with quinoa rice

    I’ve used chickpeas in this, but the curry base is adaptable; just add your choice of protein. A squeeze of lemon adds vitamin C to aid iron absorption and mixing quinoa with rice increases your intake of high-fibre wholegrains and protein.

  • Spinach tagliatelle with garlic prawns

    Spinach tagliatelle with garlic prawns

    You’ll need a pasta machine to make Matty’s tagliatelle which contains spinach for a nutritious boost. A light sauce with tomatoes and prawns creates a vibrant dish

    More effort
  • Super-green tofu curry

    Super-green tofu curry

    Going meat-free? Enjoy this delicious tofu and spinach curry that you can prep in minutes. Serve with wild rice and a scattering of coriander

  • Healthier burritos

    Healthier burritos

    Add shredded cabbage, slaw or sweetcorn salsa for a more wholesome take on a Mexican favourite. Our method for making the beef chilli delivers the best results

  • Warm chicken salad with avocado dressing

    Warm chicken salad with avocado dressing

    The avocados in this smoky, warm salad are highly nutritious, containing vitamin E, iron, potassium and niacin, along with heart-healthy monounsaturated fat

  • Healthy pad Thai

    Healthy pad Thai

    Toss chicken with rice noodles and stir-fried veg to create a deliciously healthy dinner. There’s a vegan option, too, which uses peanut butter (see tip, below)

  • Gnocchi traybake with lemony ricotta

    Gnocchi traybake with lemony ricotta

    Rustle up this one-tray wonder with gnocchi, ricotta, artichokes, plum tomatoes and courgette. It can be adapted by using any veg you have in the fridge

  • Healthy chicken burritos

    Healthy chicken burritos

    Use storecupboard ingredients and leftovers to make this nutritious and easy Mexican-style lunch. The filling for the burritos can be made ahead
