• Roast turkey with citrus butter

    Roast turkey with citrus butter

    Moist and golden, this Christmas turkey will be the crowning glory of your festive feast. It's simple to make and guaranteed to impress friends and family

  • Bay & orange roast turkey

    Bay & orange roast turkey

    Brushing the turkey with a last-minute sticky glaze means your bird will be golden and looking its best when you bring it to the table

    More effort
  • Golden roast potatoes

    Golden roast potatoes

    Don’t spend Christmas morning peeling potatoes, make our freeze ahead roasties

  • Chocolate fruitcake

    Chocolate fruitcake

    If anyone in your family isn’t keen on traditional fruitcake, this might be the compromise you’ve been looking for

  • Lamb with Christmas spices

    Lamb with Christmas spices

    Keep this in the freezer ready for dinner parties and serve it with rice and salad or crunchy potatoes and vegetables

  • Starry mincemeat slices

    Starry mincemeat slices

    Get creative with your mincemeat this Christmas and try this simple traybake version of mince pies
