Spinach falafel & hummus bowl
Make this easy vegan salad bowl, with homemade spinach falafels and hummus served alongside pitta and salad. It’s packed with nutrients for a healthy supper
314 Recipes
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Make this easy vegan salad bowl, with homemade spinach falafels and hummus served alongside pitta and salad. It’s packed with nutrients for a healthy supper
Enjoy a balanced vegan veg bowl featuring brown rice topped with colourful veg and chickpeas cooked in a teriyaki sauce. It delivers four of your 5-a-day
Rustle up a versatile coconut dhal. It’s the most comforting vegan meal, all made in one pan, and it can also be used as a base to make other curries.
This nostalgic dessert can be made a day ahead. Fill with a vanilla cream, dust with icing sugar to finish and serve in slices
Make up jars of homemade apple jam and gift to friends and family. It’s delicious spread simply on toast, or as a filling in your favourite cakes and bakes
Make this moreish cherry cake for afternoon tea or a coffee morning. Made with sweet glacé cherries and crunchy almonds, it won’t last long
Make this apple and almond cake to fill your cake tin. It’s an ideal treat for anyone following a dairy-free or vegan diet, and is delicious for afternoon tea with a cuppa
Make these chocolate apples as a treat for a kids’ party. Great for Bonfire Night or Halloween, cover in chopped nuts, sprinkles and honeycomb pieces
Enjoy a baked rather than fried tortilla, making it healthier and easier to throw together. If you don’t have manchego, you can use cheddar or crumbled feta
Make this soup recipe your own using up any bits and bobs you have. Make a tomatoey soup with leftover veg, then finish it with flavourful toppings