• Meringue candy canes

    Meringue candy canes

    Decorate your Christmas tree with these colourful peppermint-flavoured meringue candy canes. They also make a lovely gift during the festive period

  • Popcorn bunting

    Popcorn bunting

    Decorate your home at Christmas with our festive colourful popcorn bunting. It won’t stay fresh for long, so be sure to make an extra batch to eat, too!

  • Biscuit place tags

    Biscuit place tags

    Make these little name biscuits as a fun addition to your Christmas table, one for each dinner guest. They also make thoughtful gifts for family and friends

  • Festive candle centrepiece

    Festive candle centrepiece

    Impress guests with this festive candle centrepiece for the Christmas table. Made with cloves, clementine, rosemary and cinnamon, it smells divine

  • Cookie dough truffles

    Cookie dough truffles

    Make Christmas extra special with these cookie dough truffles. They’re the perfect gift for family and friends, or serve with coffee after a festive feast
