• Golden egg & onion fried rice

    Golden egg & onion fried riceNew Recipes

    The golden hue of the scrambled egg and charred onion in this dish symbolises wealth for the Lunar New Year. Top with crispy chilli oil for extra flavour

  • Sweet & sour prawns

    Sweet & sour prawns

    Transform prawns into a takeaway treat – sweet & sour prawns – in less time than it would take to have it delivered. Alternatively, try with chicken if you prefer

    More effort
  • Pineapple fried rice

    Pineapple fried rice

    Add chunks of fresh pineapple to fried rice to transform it into something special. Serve on its own for a family dinner, or as part of a Chinese banquet

  • Beef with mangetout & cashews

    Beef with mangetout & cashews

    Fire up your wok to make this speedy Chinese beef with mangetout and cashew nuts. A tasty dish for the whole family, it takes just 15 minutes to make

  • White chocolate fortune cookies

    White chocolate fortune cookies

    Bake these homemade fortune cookies for New Year's Eve. While they require a bit of effort, they'll keep keen cooks in the family entertained, and the results are seriously impressive

    More effort
  • Easy beef in black bean sauce

    Easy beef in black bean sauce

    Try this simple stir-fry using tender rump steak, peppers, ginger, chilli and garlic. Opt for a good quality black bean sauce  – it will make all the difference

  • Steam-fried bao buns (Sheng jian bao)

    Steam-fried bao buns (Sheng jian bao)

    Contains pork – recipe is for non-Muslims only

    This street food dim sum from Beijing is an authentic type of bao bun that puffs up in the pan. You can fill with minced chicken, pork or prawns if you don't want to go veggie

    A challenge
  • Chilli pork spare ribs

    Chilli pork spare ribs

    Contains pork – recipe is for non-Muslims only

    Juicy spare ribs braised with a chilli and hoisin sauce that make a succulent side dish to any Chinese feast

    More effort
  • Fried stuffed cucumbers

    Fried stuffed cucumbers

    Contains pork – recipe is for non-Muslims only

    Inspired by Fujian cuisine, these fried cucumbers stuffed with beautifully seasoned pork mince are a tasty way to one of your five-a-day

    More effort