• Roast chicken with Caesar vegetables

    Roast chicken with Caesar vegetables

    Celebrate asparagus season with this spring chicken recipe drizzled with a zingy Caesar dressing. Serve with new potatoes for a real family feast

  • Crispy prosciutto chicken

    Crispy prosciutto chicken

    This simple, filling chicken supper is made with just four ingredients and is low calorie and full to the brim with fibre

  • Spanish chicken stew

    Spanish chicken stew

    A healthy, hearty stew to feed the family, that you can prepare in just 10 minutes. This rustic meal is best served with chunks of crusty bread or rice

  • Lime marmalade chicken

    Lime marmalade chicken

    Lime marmalade isn't just for slathering on toast. Try this chicken dish with garlic, chilli and allspice. Serve with sweet potato wedges for a moreish meal

  • Easy butter chicken

    Easy butter chicken

    Fancy a healthy version of your favourite Friday night chicken curry? The chicken can be marinated the day before so you can get ahead on your prep

  • Moroccan chicken stew

    Moroccan chicken stew

    This hearty stew, full of vibrant veg and warming spices, is a Hemsley sister favourite. Serve with a side of cauliflower tabbouleh as a light accompaniment

    More effort
  • Chicken Kiev quesadilla

    Chicken Kiev quesadilla

    A seriously gourmet quesadilla. This easy, chicken-filled snack will curb your cheese cravings – serve warm and golden brown with your favourite dipping sauce
