• Marzipan chocolate loaf cake

    Marzipan chocolate loaf cake

    Combine the nutty marzipan flavour with a rich chocolate cake to make the ultimate treat. This easy recipe is perfect for baking with kids

  • Sweet potato cheesecake

    Sweet potato cheesecake

    Layer maple syrup, spiced sweet potato and cool cream cheese on a crushed digestive base to make this dessert. Trust us, it really works

  • Chocolate fairy cakes

    Chocolate fairy cakes

    Conjure smiles from family and friends with easy chocolate fairy cakes – they have a lovely light sponge and buttery icing

  • Jewish honey cake

    Jewish honey cake

    This simple honey cake, also known as ‘lekach’, is a must-have sweet treat when celebrating the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah. It’s best made a few days ahead, as the spicing and texture improve as it matures

  • Snowy coconut loaf cake

    Snowy coconut loaf cake

    Have the kids help you make this snowy coconut loaf cake. Decorate with coconut shavings, ‘snowballs’, and anything else you like

  • Gingerbread & honey loaf

    Gingerbread & honey loaf

    Make our multifunctional ginger and honey loaf cake. Enjoy with yogurt and stewed fruit for a festive brunch, or try as a teatime treat slathered with butter

  • Honeyed squash & nut roast cake

    Honeyed squash & nut roast cake

    Wow guests with this stunning honeyed squash and nut roast cake. It makes a crowd-pleasing veggie centrepiece for a celebration – perfect for Christmas

  • Blackberry & orange cake

    Blackberry & orange cake

    Try a twist on layered sponge cake with blackberries, zesty oranges and marmalade in place of your usual filling. Pipe the topping for a professional look

  • Rainbow cheesecake

    Rainbow cheesecake

    Our show-stopping rainbow cheesecake is sure to brighten up any party. This easy dessert has a delicious biscuit base and vibrant, colourful layers
