• Greek-style beans

    Greek-style beansNew Recipes

    Rustle up a butter bean, tomato and feta stew for a quick and healthy midweek meal. Enjoy with toasted sourdough on the side to mop up all the sauce

  • Sichuan mackerel noodles

    Sichuan mackerel noodlesNew Recipes

    Sichuan peppercorns, tahini and smoked mackerel are the hero ingredients in this flavour-packed, speedy noodle dish that takes just 15 minutes to make

  • Ham & cheese croissants

    Ham & cheese croissants

    Recreate this café breakfast favourite at home. We’ve used gruyère, but any good melting cheese will work. It’s perfect to use up a Christmas cheeseboard

  • Smoked pea carbonara

    Smoked pea carbonara

    I’m a bit obsessed with this dish! Tofu is used in two ways: for the crispy pancetta and to produce the luxurious creamy sauce. It’s all brought together with pops of colour and sweetness from the peas.

  • Ultimate picnic sandwich bagels

    Ultimate picnic sandwich bagels

    These bagels are inspired by the flavours of a niçoise salad, packed with ham, cheese, olives and cornichons and ideal for bringing to a summer get-together or for lunch on-the-go

  • Chorizo & savoy cabbage rigatoni

    Chorizo & savoy cabbage rigatoni

    Use Savoy cabbage in this chorizo pasta dish for its slightly bitter edge. Curly kale, chopped spring greens or spinach would also work well

  • Teriyaki salmon bowl

    Teriyaki salmon bowl

    Try these easy teriyaki salmon bowls for lunch – with salmon, avocado and edamame, they’re high in omega-3 fatty acids and provide two of your five-a-day.
