• Cinnamon & apple doughnut muffins

    Cinnamon & apple doughnut muffins

    Make these muffin takes on doughnuts when you prefer to avoid the faff of deep-frying. Full of wintry flavours, they’re ideal for a festive afternoon tea

  • Mince pie babka

    Mince pie babka

    Bake a mince pie take on babka to celebrate Christmas and Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. It’s not a traditional Chanukah bake, but works brilliantly

    More effort
  • Parsnip & parmesan oven-fried latkes

    Parsnip & parmesan oven-fried latkes

    Celebrate Jewish Chanukah – the Festival of Lights – with these latkes made with parsnips, onion and hard cheese. Serve with crème fraîche or apple sauce

  • Cheese & onion rugelach

    Cheese & onion rugelach

    Celebrate Chanukah, the Jewish festival of lights, with this easy bake. Traditionally, rugelach are sweet pastry cookies – here, they’re transformed into a savoury treat

  • Strawberry halva hamantaschen

    Strawberry halva hamantaschen

    Enjoy these triangular cookies made with a filling of tahini, honey and strawberry jam. Hamantaschen are often enjoyed during the Jewish festival of Purim

    More effort
  • Potato & celeriac kugel

    Potato & celeriac kugel

    Lighten the carb-load by replacing half the potato with celeriac in this potato kugel. Potato kugel is a traditional Jewish Sabbath side dish

  • Pomegranate brisket

    Pomegranate brisket

    Add the sour-sweet notes of pomegranate molasses to bring amazing depth of flavour to this slow-cooked beef dish. This is a popular dish at Jewish festivals
