• Cabbage roll enchiladas

    Cabbage roll enchiladas

    Pack in the flavour with these lighter spicy beef enchiladas. Delicious and gluten-free, they’re made with cabbage leaves instead of the usual tortillas

  • Salmon scramble flatbreads

    Salmon scramble flatbreads

    Try a healthier alternative to smoked salmon and scrambled eggs that’s just as delicious, but made with fresh spinach and served on homemade flatbreads

  • Vegetable biryani with green raita

    Vegetable biryani with green raita

    Get four of your 5-a-day in this flavourful vegetable biryani. It’s easily doubled, and you can add a halved green chilli if you like extra spice

  • Chicken, leek & blue cheese pilaf

    Chicken, leek & blue cheese pilaf

    Enjoy our gluten-free chicken dinner with blue cheese, leeks and walnuts. Ready to eat in 45 minutes, it’s healthy too, containing three of your 5-a-day

  • Quinoa salad with avocado mayo

    Quinoa salad with avocado mayo

    Easy to put together and full of flavour, this healthy lunch option proides iron, folate, vitamin C and fibre. Make it vegetarian by leaving out the chicken

  • Strawberry green goddess smoothie

    Strawberry green goddess smoothie

    Try this tasty breakfast smoothie to start your day, pairing sweet fruit with nutritious spinach and avocado for a dose of calcium, vitamin C, folate and fibre

  • Pork & squash goulash cobbler

    Pork & squash goulash cobbler

    Contains pork – recipe is for non-Muslims/non-pork eaters.

    Combine pork with squash and mushrooms in this hearty low-calorie meal for two. If you add the cabbage to serve, it counts as five of your 5-a-day

  • Pork with cucumber & apricot couscous

    Pork with cucumber & apricot couscous

    Contains pork – recipe is for non-Muslims/non-pork eaters.

    Try this flavour-packed pork dish with couscous for dinner. It’s healthy, full of nutrients and contains four of your 5-a-day

    More effort
  • Courgette curry with lemon rice

    Courgette curry with lemon rice

    The chickpeas in this recipe are a good source of manganese, needed for healthy bones. They also contain fibre, which helps regulate cholesterol, as does garlic
