• Vegetable & bean chilli

    Vegetable & bean chilli

    This healthy veggie chilli makes for a quick and satisfying supper, crammed with pulses and colourful fresh vegetables

  • Tomato & basil soup

    Tomato & basil soup

    Combine fruity sundried tomatoes with tinned tomatoes to make this rich tomato soup with a homemade basil pesto – perfect for the depths of winter.

  • Somerset stew with cheddar & parsley mash

    Somerset stew with cheddar & parsley mash

    This warming crowd-pleaser is full of flavour and goodness. Use just one type of bean if you don’t have two, and substituting cider with extra stock will also work well

  • Chocolate Christmas biscuits

    Chocolate Christmas biscuits

    These easy chocolate biscuits are the perfect Christmas treat that both kids and adults will love. Get the whole family involved with decoration

  • Quick florentines

    Quick florentines

    Take a handful of ingredients and create these dark chocolate florentines. They make a delicious treat with your afternoon tea or a tasty homemade gift

  • Black and white pinwheel cookies

    Black and white pinwheel cookies

    Black and white biscuits are a classic among Christmas cookies. You can make them into a checkerboard pattern or as a beautiful spiral like these

  • Butter cookies

    Butter cookies

    These six-ingredient biscuits are beautifully buttery. Dip them in chocolate and add a dusting of edible glitter for sparkle if you like

  • Speculoos cookies

    Speculoos cookies

    These delectable biscuits are easy to make and full of spice. Make a batch of these moreish bites for a thoughtful homemade gift for someone special

  • Sugar-free cookies

    Sugar-free cookies

    These simple buttery biscuits are made with agave syrup as a clever sugar alternative. Whip up a batch in just 25 minutes with only five ingredients
