Dover sole with buttered leeks & shrimps
April, May and June are prime months for Dover sole. Easy and quick to prepare, this fish is often overlooked says CJ Jackson
April, May and June are prime months for Dover sole. Easy and quick to prepare, this fish is often overlooked says CJ Jackson
This recipe suits any greens you have to hand – from shredded kale to Brussels sprouts. For the less adventurous, less chilli can be used
Anchovies and robust greens are a classic partnership and the saltiness of the fish teams well with pasta
Roasting the fish along with the potatoes means all the lovely flavours mingle
These indulgent puds are great to freeze so you’ll always have something to whip out for unexpected guests
Contains pork – recipe is for non-Muslims only
Add a zing to your red cabbage with this great accompaniment to cold meats at Christmas
This is a stunningly simple, grown-up way to enjoy perfectly ripe nectarines, or peaches
A great standby dessert with that works well and will impress children and adults