• Pizza salad flatbreads

    Pizza salad flatbreads

    Pack classic pizza flavours into a salad, then use as a topping for flatbreads. Quick and easy to make, they’re full of big flavours and textures

  • Smash burger pancakes

    Smash burger pancakes

    Try our savoury pancake burgers, complete with gherkins, burger sauce and cheese slices. They’re sure to go down a treat with the family on Shrove Tuesday

  • Turmeric granola

    Turmeric granola

    Add turmeric to sweet, crunchy granola to provide a slight earthiness alongside a signature vibrant yellow colour. Enjoy with yogurt and fruit for breakfast

  • Peanut & herb noodle salad

    Peanut & herb noodle salad

    Combine vegan-friendly rice vermicelli noodles, edamame and cucumber, along with lime juice, sweet chilli sauce and herbs to make this fragrant dish

  • Milk buns

    Milk buns

    Use the ‘tangzhong’ method (making a roux-like paste to add to the dough) to give the bread in these milk buns an excellent rise and soft, fluffy texture

  • Nduja & spring greens pasta

    Nduja & spring greens pasta

    Combine pasta with nduja, spring greens and a breadcrumb topping to make this simple and speedy dish. It’s ideal if you’re after a simple midweek meal

  • Leek, walnut & goat’s cheese pasta

    Leek, walnut & goat’s cheese pasta

    Make this quick and easy pasta dish with leeks, walnuts, goat’s cheese and garlic and chilli flavours. Full of flavour and texture, it makes a speedy supper

  • Veg peel fritters

    Veg peel fritters

    Make veg peelings the star of the show with these easy fritters. They’re perfect the day after a big family dinner, such as at Christmas time
