• Greek-style beans

    Greek-style beansNew Recipes

    Rustle up a butter bean, tomato and feta stew for a quick and healthy midweek meal. Enjoy with toasted sourdough on the side to mop up all the sauce

  • Green baked eggs

    Green baked eggsNew Recipes

    Make a batch of spiced lentils, then use it as a base for three more meals, including these green baked eggs. Serve with crusty bread or toasted flatbreads

  • Sichuan mackerel noodles

    Sichuan mackerel noodlesNew Recipes

    Sichuan peppercorns, tahini and smoked mackerel are the hero ingredients in this flavour-packed, speedy noodle dish that takes just 15 minutes to make

  • Garlic mushroom flatbread pizzas

    Garlic mushroom flatbread pizzasNew Recipes

    Top flatbreads with mozzarella and garlic mushrooms for an easy and speedy midweek meal. Cut into wedges and serve with a green salad on the side

  • Garam masala prawn & corn soup

    Garam masala prawn & corn soupNew Recipes

    Make a light yet flavourful supper with this garam masala, prawn, new potato and sweetcorn soup. Serve with lime wedges to squeeze over and crusty bread

  • Rhubarb & custard crumble cake

    Rhubarb & custard crumble cakeNew Recipes

    Enjoy the classic flavours of rhubarb crumble and custard in a slice of cake – it’s a dreamy combination of textures. Serve with double cream, if you like

  • Curried chickpea brothy pasta

    Curried chickpea brothy pastaNew Recipes

    Make a batch of spiced lentils then use it as a base to make this pasta dish with curried chickpeas and kale. Serve with some flatbreads for dipping
